1-3 An opportunity lost! You decide not to attack.
4-6 You drop your shield or weapon, let DM decide what exactly happens.
7 Roll again
8 Oops! If there is a friendly creature within reach, make attack against it.
9-10 You manage to hit yourself for 1d6 points of damage.
12 You disarm yourself. Weapon lands 1d20 feet to random direction.
Old rule:
1. Your weapon shatters as your opponent makes a fancy parry maneuver against your pathetic attempt of an attack. If you carry a magic weapon it breaks only if the opponent carries a magic weapon or shield.
2. You drop your weapon. If you have two weapons, roll to determine which one you drop.
3. You drop your shield. If you don't have a shield, you drop your weapon instead.
4. You hit yourself. Roll damage to yourself with the weapon's damage dice without your ability modifier.
5. You fumble and throw your weapon 1d20 feet away to a random direction. If there is a creature in that direction, he/she/it manages to dodge the attack unless the creature is prone or unable to move in which case it is an automatic hit.
6. You recall a moment from the past and decide not to make the attack. Please describe the moment you just remembered.
7. Your attack misses and you sprain your ankle. Reduce your movement by 10 feet until the next short or long rest.
8. Your attack is a miserable failure. You lose your confidence with the weapon that was used. Until the next short or long rest you have a disadvantage while attacking with this weapon.
9. You screw up and miss the target by a mile. If there is any creature within your reach, roll the same attack against that creature. If there is more than one possible target, roll a dice to determine which the new target is.
10. You miss and get a bad feeling about this fight. Everyone has advantage in melee attacks against you until you make a DC 15 Charisma save at the start of your turn.
11. You swing badly, it there is a friendly creature within your reach you automatically hit that one - doing maximum damage from the weapon.
12. You fuck-up bad. Your weapons slips from your hand and drops to your feet giving you one point of damage. Everyone within 30 feet spends their next turn laughing and cannot do nothing else. You miss rest of this turn and your next turn out of embarrassment. You also have disadvantage to all attacks and checks you made until the end of your next long rest.
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