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Pelilliset tiedot:

Name: Thorgal Karhunharja
Age: 20 yo.
Race: Human, male
Class: Fighter / Sharpshooter
Background: Uthgardt Barbarian

I am of the Uthgardt - a member of the Thunderbeast tribe; what your people would call 'barbarian'. We are people of the north - The true Wild Lands. I venerate the ancestors of my tribe, and of my people. The blood of Uthgar the All-Tamer and Morgur Shield-splitter courses in my veins. I will choose death before dishonoring them.

Though I have yet to be ceremonially recognized in my tribe, none are more able as hunter or as fierce as warrior than I. My scars are my trophies, my skin bears my talismans...

My quest brings me to Neverwinter, weighed by the fate of my people. A shadow looms on the horizon, our shamans do not yet know what to make of it.

STR 16  +3
DEX 18  +4
CON 18  +4
INT   10  -
WIS  14  +2
CHA  8   -1

Spot: +5
Stealth:   +7
Survival: +5

AC: 15/16
HP: 13
Hit Dice: 1d10
Expertise dice: d6
Weapon Attack: +6 (melee)/+7 (ranged)
Armor and Shield Proficiencies: All armor and shields
Weapon Proficiencies: All weapons

Racial Traits:
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 Feet
Languages: Common


Spiritual Guidance: You pay homage to Uthgar and the spirits
of your ancestors. When you need, you can seek out a shaman of one
of the Uthgardt tribes, and ask for spiritual guidance. The guidance
of the spirits will typically give you a direction to go and maybe
warn you of a great danger.

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